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与越南100多家正规工业园区建立合作关系 代理招商引资,组织企业考察团队 赴越 考察了解越南投资政策、环境。
Chúng tôi TIN chất lượng phải đi cùng với số lượng. Với một dịch vụ vận tải cao cấp có hơn 100 xe trọng tải chất lượng cao để phục vụ cho khách hàng.
VGP - Viet Nam has three seaports in the top 50 seaports with the largest cargo throughput in the world, according to the latest update to the list of 100 seaports by Lloyd Maritime Company (UK).
VGP - Viet Nam is currently the eighth largest trade partner of Hong Kong, China while Hong Kong is the fifth largest investor in Viet Nam, said head of the Vietnamese Trade Office in Hong Kong Vu Thi Thuy.
VGP – Viet Nam will likely be among Asia's fastest growing economies next year, despite a weaker currency and falling foreign reserves, according to a recent article published in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). THUY DUO
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